Some Photo Fun of Art, Chatter, Crafts, Pets, and Travel... California style ^_^

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Video: Pink French Nails Tutorial

I've been painting my nails since I was about 12. I've gotten pretty good at it I think :). I have had long nails for almost forever. These are my own natural nails, I've never really had acrylics although I love what they can do with glitter and see-through tips.

I figured I would upload a video on how I do it. I didn't really use the internet back when I learned, so this is my own technique. Everyone seems to do it in their own way, this works best for me.

Here is all that I used:

-Paper: non-slip surface that also protects my piano bench from any mishaps.
-Polish: I use cheap drugstore polish. I didn't use the red today but I do tips with that color too. I use basecoat, tip color, and top coat.
-Card from magazine: I use those cards that are similar to construction paper to clean any over-spill off of my skin. Those little cards that you use to subscribe to a magazine work well, just use the perforated edge (the part that is attached to the magazine) so that you don't cut yourself. Some people use an orange stick wrapped with some cotton and dipped in polish remover, I discovered this method by accident and it has worked well for me.

And here is the finished product. As you can see, I used glitter polish as my top coat since I think I left all of my top coats at my mom's house :P

It's easier to take a nails picture if you are holding something. I like hammers. I just made a punny! And it wasn't even on porpoise. K I'll stop now.

My nails are very long right now. You may be able to see a short break in my left thumb nail. I painted over it just for the tutorial and will cut it soon. I will make a video on how I square my nails, which is why I haven't dealt with it yet.

I will probably do more nail art videos in the future, as well as some for make-up and hair. I filmed with a Flip minoHD and edited with Windows Movie Maker. This is the first video I've done so I hope it doesn't look too noob. :)

Hope this helps,

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I love how the pink! Can't wait for more nail tutorials.
